Breast Reduction
Anesthesia Implications
Position: Supine, arms extended
Time: 2-4 hours (long)
Blood Loss: Moderate (50 – 200 ml)
Post-op Pain: High (7-10)
Maintenance Paralytic: No
Patient will be sat up potentially multiple times to check the symmetry of the breasts. Have the OR bed remote close.
Long procedure (general considerations): Procedures anticipated to last longer than 2 hours generally require a urinary catheter. Also consider checking lines and positioning regularly as the risks of infiltration and nerve damage are increased with procedure time. Consider an IV fluid warmer and a forced air warmer to keep the patient euthermic.
High post-operative pain (general considerations): Plan ahead to treat pain in the postoperative period. If not contraindicated, consider hydromorphone or other long-acting analgesics along with adjuncts such as Ofirmev and/or toradol. Where possible, give during the operative period to limit pain in the postoperative period. Where applicable, consider peripheral nerve blocks and/or epidural interventions.